How to install

Firstly, launch npm install process in order to download and install all dependencies.

npm install

How to configure

OPC UA Agent is configurable through a single configuration file. All properties are explained in the config.js template.

Main sections are:

  • config.iota: configure northbound (Context Broker), agent server, persistence (MongoDB), log level, etc.
  • config.opcua: configure southbound (OPC UA endpoint)
  • config.mappingTool: configure mapping tool properties to set auto configuration
  • config.autoprovision: flag indicating whether or not to provision the Service Group and Device automatically
Auto provisioning

OPC UA Agent provides an autoprovisioning feature that allow the agent to automatically register Service Group and Device at startup.

Setting property autoprovision in the config.js to false, a manual provisioning can be performed using iotagent-node-lib API interfaces.

Setting property autoprovision in the config.js to true, the OPC UA Agent will perform autoprovisioning in two ways:

  • Auto Configuration (usage of Mapping Tool)
  • Manual Configuration (editing config.js file)

Auto Configuration (usage of Mapping Tool)

When autoprovisioning is enabled, using of Auto Configuration create a mapping for all OPC UA objects (except those with namespace to ignore matching): all OPC UA variables will be configured as active attributes whereas all OPC UA methods will be configured as commands.

To enable auto configuration, simply set as empty the following properties in the config.js:

  • types: {}
  • contexts: []
  • contextSubscriptions: []

Manual Configuration (editing config.js file)

When autoprovisioning is enabled, using Manual Configuration it is possible to specify the mapping between OPC UA objects and NGSI attributes and commands. The mapping can be specified in the config.js, editing the properties types, contexts and contextSubscriptions.

To define active attributes:

  • set the active object in active section array of type object
  • set the mapping object in mappings array of contexts

To define lazy attributes:

  • set the lazy object in lazy section array of type object
  • set the mapping object in mappings array of contextSubscriptions (set object_id to null and inputArguments to empty array)

To define commands attributes:

  • set the command object in commands section array of type object
  • set the mapping object in mappings array of contextSubscriptions (object_id is the parent object of the method)

To define poll commands:

  • set polling to true to enable or to false to disable poll commands
  • set polling Daemon Frequency and Expiration in ms
  • set polling-commands-timer in ms to execute che poll commands automatically

An example can be found here.


Finally, run the agent.

node bin/iotagent-opcua