OPC UA Agent Installation & Administration Guide

The docker-first approach provides you with all the needed component: OCB, Mongo instances and a sample OPC-UA server.

A step-by-step tutorial is available here


Before launching the Agent you must install Orion Context Broker and a OPC UA Server. After that you must tell the Agent how to interact with these components by using config.js file. Once configuration is complete you can execute these commands to run the Agent.

Step 1 - Download

Firstly, download git source project

git clone "https://github.com/Engineering-Research-and-Development/iotagent-opcua"
cd iotagent-opcua
Step 2 - Configure the environment

Open the conf/config.js and make your changes (see how to do this here).

Step 3 - Configure device

The downloaded repository comes with a config.js (conf/config.js) in which an empty Device is preloaded.

At this point, you have two options:

  • Use the mapping tool to automatically generate a config.js
  • Define your own context mappings in properties types, contexts, contextSubscriptions in config.js
  • Provision the new Device (mapping between OPC UA Server and OPC UA Agent) via REST interface

If you want to use the mapping tool simply set as empty the following properties in the config.js:

  • types: {}
  • contexts: []
  • contextSubscriptions: []

When you launch the Agent, the mapping tool will automatically be triggered and will extract the above properties of the config.js you need using the information contained on the rest of the file. Be sure the addresses contained inside the config.js are the correct ones.

If you want to use the REST interface have a look at Step 4 here to see how to provision a new device.

Step 4 - Install the npm packages
npm install
Step 5 - Run the agent
node bin/iotagent-opcua
Step 6 - Check the device configuration

Run the following command to get the loaded device. In this way you will know if the OPCUA Server -> OPCUA Agent mapping has been established successfully (change headers if needed):

curl http://localhost:4041/iot/devices -H "fiware-service: opcua_car" -H "fiware-servicepath: /demo"